Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the school office.


Our intent statement sets out our vision our children within this subject and what we aim for them to experience through the curriculum at St Martin's.  It links to our school vision and values.
PSHCE is taught in line with the long term map.  Depending on the topic, this may be a weekly lesson, blocked units of work or a mixture of both.
Please find below our:
PSHCE Policy which sets out our approach to teaching and learning within PSHCE.
SRE Policy which sets out our approach to teaching sex and relationships education within PSHCE.
PSHCE Overview which identifies when each art unit of work is taught.
PSHCE Knowledge and Skills Progressions for Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World, which identify the key knowledge and skills taught to each specific year group.
  • Children enjoy their PSHCE lessons, which is evident in subject manager pupil conferencing.
  • PSHCE supports the school vision.  It helps ensure children feel happy and safe and know where to go for help if they need to.  It supports the personal development of children as lifelong learners with the skills they need to be successful.  Learning in the Living in the Wider World section helps children to understand their place in the community and understand how they can have a positive impact on the world.
  • PSHCE supports the school focus on inclusion and diversity.  Pupil conferencing shows that children really do respect, value and include everyone.  They understand that everyone is different, everyone has their own strengths and talents and the importance of celebrating these.  They proactively challenge anyone who does not support this ethos.
  • PSHCE support the Global Neighbours agenda with opportunities to develop children's understanding of life in other countries, global inequalities and courageous advocates exploited.
  • PSHCE has a positive impact on children's mental wellbeing.  Pupil conferencing shows that they have a good understanding wellbeing.  The know why it is important, what they can do to help their own and others wellbeing and when they should seek help.
  • Children attain well across the school in PSHCE (outcomes at the end of 2022 - 2023):


Year R

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6















