Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the school office.

Physical Education

Our intent statement sets out our vision our children within this subject and what we aim for them to experience through the curriculum at St Martin's.  It links to our school vision and values.
PE is taught in line with the long term map.  
In Year R:
  • It is part of the EYFS curriculum and children are assessed against the gross motor skill Early Learning Goal at the end of the year.
  • Children have 1 PE lesson a week and develop their gross motor skills through continuous provision.
In Year 1- 6:
  • It is part of the National Curriculum.
  • Children have 2 PE lessons a week.
  • Mixture of gymnastics, dance and games (invasion, net and wall and striking and fielding) and swimming.
Every lesson has a warm up, main part and cool down.
Warm up:
  • Stretching and aerobic activity
  • Children should understand why this is important and take responsibility for it as they progress through the school.

Main session:

  • Children should be taught key skills and then have time to practice and apply them.
  • Children should have opportunities to evaluate their own and others performances and identify strengths and ways to improve.

Cool down:

  • Children should understand why this is important and take responsibility for it as they progress through the school.
Enrichment opportunities:
  • Residential
  • Sports Day
  • Clubs – judo, football, netball, yoga, cross country
  • Competitions – within lessons and within school
  • Representing the school – tag rugby, netball, cross country
Please find below our:
PE Overview which identifies when each art unit of work is taught.
PE Knowledge and Skills Progressions for dance, gym, games, athletics and swimming, which identify the key knowledge and skills taught to each specific year group.
  • Children enjoy their PE lessons, which is evident in subject manager pupil conferencing.
  • PE has a positive impact on children's physical wellbeing.  Pupil conferencing shows that they have a good understanding of the importance of exercise and the impact this has on their body.  They understand the importance of warming up and cooling down and why this is important.  The majority of children lead fit and active lifestyles and many chose to take part in a sports club, either at school or in the local community.
  • PE has a positive impact on mental wellbeing.  Pupil conferencing shows that they understand how exercise can effect your mood and how you feel.
  • Children attain well across the school in PE (outcomes at the end of 2022 - 2023):


Year R

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6















