Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the school office.

Welcome to Willow Class - Year 5 and 6

Welcome to wonderful Willow Class! Our Y5 and Y6 children work hard to uphold our school vision of being happy and safe, whilst becoming life-long learners.  

The Willows are amazing role models of our learning skills: from always being curious to learn more, to persevering with the challenging tasks they are set. They are always hard-working, determined and have smiley faces ready for another awesome term of having fun while they learn! 


Our class teacher is Ms Mendivil. Mrs Bartlett covers the PPA session on a Tuesday afternoon. 


We usually do PE on Mondays (outdoor) and on Tuesday (indoor) so please make sure your PE kit is in school every day in case we have some extra opportunities this term!


Our new topic is 'Mythical Creatures'.  


Our Curriculum Overview below covers all the topics we will learn about this term.


We have a Homework Grid for the half term, that tells you the different activities that you can choose from each week to complete. You can find our 'Homework Grid' below. 


Key information:


-PE is on Mondays and Tuesday.

-Homework books need to be in on Tuesdays and will be given out on Fridays.

-New spellings are given out on Mondays. Spelling books should be in on Fridays.

-Reading records are to be in on Fridays. 

-Celebration Worship is on Fridays at 2:45pm most weeks - the last Friday of the term is usually 08:55am to ensure we have time for our winning team to have their House Treat in the afternoon.