Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please look at the page for prospective parents and get in contact with the the school office.

Ambassador Roles

Over the last week or so our Year 6 children had the opportunity to apply to be ambassadors for the school this year. In order to apply, they had to write an official letter explaining which ambassador role they were interested in and why and they were then all interviewed on Monday afternoon by Mrs Chorley (our chair of Governors) and me. Those children who applied should be incredibly proud of themselves! Both Mrs Chorley and I were impressed with the standard of their letters and the way they spoke during interview - they were all clearly passionate about the roles and really want to make a difference to our school. As you can imagine, the decisions were incredibly difficult but our ambassadors for this year are:
School Ambassadors – Tom A and Sofia HS
Vice School Ambassadors – Bo MR and Sophia K
Art Ambassadors – Penny P and Robyn G
Sports Ambassadors – Luca D and Lucy M
Music Ambassadors – Harry F and Josh C
I have just shared this information with the Year 6 children and again have been incredibly impressed. As is always the case in these situations, there were some disappointed children but they showed huge resilience congratulating their friends and in turn their friends showed understanding and support of their disappointment. We have also talked about the fact that there are lots of other opportunities for them to represent the school and make a difference. We do feel strongly that it’s important for all our Y6 children to take on some responsibility during their final year with us, so please do encourage them to put themselves forward for other roles, as we will also do in school. We still need house captains, School Council, Stewards of God’s Earth group, Worship Team, Librarians and Junior Road Safety Officers.
Ambassador badges will be presented in celebration worship this week.