Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the school office.


The Governing Body have the overall responsibility for the management of the school. The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school and its general leadership.

The Governing Body meets every half term to hear reports on the progress being made in the school, to review reports from each of the committees and make any important decisions that are required.

Much of the key work of the Governing Body is achieved through its committees. Some of the main committees and their responsibilities are as follows.

Pay, Personnel and Finance Committee (PayPerFin)

This committee acts as three committees in one, managing the personnel and financial aspects of the school.

The Pay Committee reviews all decisions regarding staff annual pay, after the annual performance management reviews for each staff member. The Headteacher reviews the performance of teachers, and the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher reviews the performance of the support staff, ahead of the governors making their pay decisions.

The Personnel Committee makes all decisions regarding the employment of staff, including appointing new staff. The Headteacher makes decisions regarding where staff work in the school, and works with the SENCo to determine where Teaching Assistants will work in the school.

The Finance Committee makes important decisions regarding the setting of the annual budget, based on the allocation received from Hampshire, making sure the school works within its financial means and appropriate aspects of school funding are appropriately budgeted for. The committee then monitors the use of the budget on a monthly basis, to ensure it keeps close track on planned and actual expenditure within the budget limits. In addition to this, the committee also makes decision regarding the use of capital funds for improvements to school facilities. All major financial decisions have to be ratified by the full Governing Body.
The PPF committee also carries out benchmarking activities, to compare our school to similar schools and ensure good financial management.

Standards and Curriculum (SaC)

The Standards and Curriculum Committee are responsible for monitoring the curriculum provision across the whole school, and for ensuring the school works hard to achieve high standards in progress and attainment. The committee will annually monitor the test data for the school, asking questions about the standards being achieved, as well as looking at future predictions. They discuss areas where the school is focussing time and energy for improvement, as part of the overall School Strategic Plan.