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Welcome to Cherry Class - Year R

Mrs Perry and Mrs Alexander are the teachers in this busy but friendly Reception class. Mrs Perry teaches all day Monday and Tuesday morning and on a Friday and Mrs Alexander teaches all day on a Wednesday and Thursday. We meet together for our planning time on Tuesday afternoons and Miss Hawkins teaches the class during this time. Miss Hawkins and  Mrs Hancock are our main class LSA's. 


Our topic this term is 'From the Sea to the Sky'. It is a relatively new topic and we are really excited about exploring it. We have chosen some great books to get us started. We will start by looking at Jack and the Beanstalk and re-writing the story, we will plant our own magic beans and read and write instructions for this. We will then read the book called 'Dear Earth' which focusses on all the gifts that our Earth can give to us. We will write the Earth a thank you letter for the gifts it gives us. This fits really well with our RE unit, which is all about looking after God's World. We will read books about recycling and pollution in our seas, focussing on 'Someone Swallowed Stanley' and a great non-fiction text called 'A Planet full of Plastic'. We will teach the children about the importance of looking after our planet and what they can do to help. We plan to make posters based on their ideas. For number we will focus on ordering numbers and knowing one more and one less. We will do some measuring of Giant's footprints and look at ladybird doubles. We will also be looking at how to share between 2 and what an odd number is. As always it will be a busy term in Cherry Class with the added excitement of Sport's Day, our Cherry Tea Party for our new intake, visiting Silver Birch, our chicks and hatching out butterflies! 


We explore our topic themes during our Discovery Time with loads of great learning opportunities as well as more focused, teacher led activities. However, in Reception nothing is set in stone and we like to follow our children's interests, which can lead us into a lot of exciting learning opportunities as they take us in various directions that we haven't planned for. 


We like to make the most of our lovely setting here at St Martin's. We take regular Welly Walks up the lane opposite the school and find many things of interest to develop our understanding of the world there. This term we will focus on Summer and we will be doing some nature hunts as well as getting stuck into some gardening. We will learn about insects and will hatch out our own caterpillars. We also use the Nature Area on a regular basis to enhance our learning. We are very lucky to have great facilities at our school and we love to cook in Acorn room and make lots of delicious treats during the year. This term we will make biscuits. 


We bring our topics to life by going on lots of regular trips with the class. The children really enjoy these opportunities and learn a great deal from them. The farm and castle trip are particular favourites of theirs! 


You can access an overview of what we are learning this term by clicking on the link underneath.