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Choir parents - old and new!
I met with choir today to share with them three performance opportunities we have coming up this term. St Martin's Church Christmas Service - Sunday 18th Dec. Winchester Market performance - tbc (weekday). AND - the Newbury Christmas Lights Switch-On Day! Saturday 19th Nov.
So - the good news, and the bad...
Good news - I gave out 37 letters, so still a good sized choir, which included lots of new Y1 faces!
Sad news - I have apparently lost my entire Y6 choir cohort  -  I think this is a thing that developed last year - I had a lot of Y6 drop out of choir last year as well. Too cool for choir, I guess. I'm sad about it, as I know that some of those children probably do still want to be in the choir, but peer pressure means that it seems to be a group decision. What a shame...
So, if you are a parent/carer of a now Y6 child who has previously been in the choir, and you find out that your child IS keen, but feels they can't be involved, please come and talk to me and we'll go from there.
However - I'll happily take a choir of 37 children in a school our size - and our first rehearsal is Thursday!
I need to know if I have enough children singing on the Newbury day to go ahead, at quite short notice, so your child will bring home a letter today - please can slips come back this week - thank you!
Mrs Rennison