Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the school office.


This Week We Are Celebrating...
Week Ending: 19.7.24
Congratulations to everyone - we are all proud of you!
Average Merit Scores
House House Captains  Merit Points
South  Sophie G and Ivan S  
West Harry S and Phoebe N  
East Isobel N and Ollie C   
North  Ollie W and Alexander R   
School Value Awards
Courage Awards
Congratulations to:
Friendship Awards
Congratulations to:
Evie T for always looking out for her friends cheering them up and when they're having a tricky day and being the epitome of 'Turn the frown upside down.'
Creativity Awards
Congratulations to:
Respect Awards
Congratulations to:
Ava B for always being polite and well mannered, for thinking of others and helping her teachers.
Annaliese S showing respect to other children and to the adults across the school and for being a great listener during learning times.
Riley C for showing respect to everyone in Sycamore class and St. Martin's and for always making sure you are doing the right thing.
Lorelei R for always showing excellent manners, saying please and thank you.
Isla L for always showing respect towards your learning and being ready to learn.  Great attitude Isla, keep it up.
Special Learning Awards
Perseverance Award
Congratulations to:
Barnaby L for always trying hard with al his learning and working hard to do his best.
Concentration Award
Congratulations to:
Jesse B for a lovely setting description about the dragon's lair in the film clip 'Dragon Slayer'
Teamwork Award
Congratulations to:
Resourcefulness Award
Congratulations to:
Claude R for growing independence in your work using the '4 before me' .  Well done using the resources in the classroom and a buddy when needed.
Curiosity Award
Congratulations to:
Reflection Award
Congratulations to:
Sophie G working purposefully to reflect on her own writing and identify areas to improve and adapt.  Her work then flows easily.
Certificate of Achievement
Congratulations to:
Sound Out Words
Congratulations to:
Other Awards
Congratulations to: