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Residential - Monday evening

I started this at 10:00pm...
So I don't want to tempt fete but I've just walked the corridor and about half the rooms are asleep and the others are quietish which I'll take for now. Hopefully it means in the next half hour or so it should be quiet throughout and I may even manage a coffee!
What a day! After a slightly delayed start, the journey was easy (although you can't imagine the excitement of New Forest Ponies on the actual road!) and we arrived just after 11:00am. Our rooms weren't quite ready but we enjoyed a picnic lunch and then a play in the courtyard. It was lovely watching the children just play - a mix of kicking a ball around, a game of cricket, several children drawing, a few reading and some collecting bits of nature to create environmental art.
It was then time for the activities. Depending on which group your child was in they have done two of the following activities - initiative test, zip wire, high ropes, abseil, archery. They have all been amazing. They have listened carefully to the instructions, shown beautiful manners, encouraged and supported each other and all pushed themselves to do more than they thought they were capable of.
Tea was a range of pasta dishes followed by chocolate eclairs and everyone ate well.
This evening we all enjoyed a film - Luca - followed by cake and bedtime. A few children even had a shower!
Just returned to this - I got interrupted about 45 mins ago by a child struggling to sleep. However it is now quiet throughout and I'm fairly confident they are all asleep - fingers crossed they stay that way - I'm off to make a coffee.
Will add more photos tomorrow - struggling to get them to download at the moment!
Mrs Bartlett