Welcome to St Martin's CE (Aided) Primary School. If you would like to know more about our school or arrange a visit to come and see all we have to offer, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the school office.

One more week!

Happy Monday everyone!
One more week. It's just one more week until we have all children back in school. We can't wait!
We have been in touch with several families over the last week to say that they are finding this last bit of time tough, as it's a sort of limbo between remote learning and back to school. For many, we have suggested not worrying about completing all learning on google classrooms, but instead focussing on mental health and wellbeing, in order to try to help your children be emotionally ready for returning to school on Monday. We wanted to share this ethos with you all. If this would help - please do focus just on wellbeing. With World Book Day on Thursday and Wellbeing Day on Friday, there is less formal learning this week anyway, and teachers will understand. We would far rather have children emotionally ready on Monday, than have all learning completed this week - we'll catch up on the learning in time, but we can't do that if children aren't learning-ready.
So, take the time and do what is right for your family. And we'll be seeing you all on Monday morning - not quite with open arms as that's still not quite allowed, but most definitely with open doors and smiles and much celebration!
Mrs Bartlett and Mrs Rennison